
Plugins et fonctionnalités


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Plugins et fonctionnalités Conception d'applications


Marketing E-Commerce Developer Backoffice Online Booking Content Ideas Payment Integrations Shop Integrations App Storage Authentication Form Extensions Stores Games Indicateurs de chargement


Ajouté récemment Populaire Bestseller Recommandé

Construction et mise à l'échelle

Achats dans l'application et abonnements Acheter et consommer Forum Générateur de formulaires

Modules d'affaires

Event-System / Drop-In Reservation & Booking System Real-time Chat E-Commerce / Shop

Ajouté récemment

Widget de temps d'attente Plugin d'instruction PWA Extension de l'album de la galerie Achats dans l'application et abonnements Acheter et consommer Système d'évaluation QR-Code Profil vérifié Apple Classic


DeepL Mailchimp Whitelabel E-Mail Payrexx


Tags & Filters Facebook OAuth Rating System Multilingual App Zappter CRM - My Customers Request System Push-Notifications


Fonction de commentaire du panier d'achat Voucher System Contact Form Loyalty Points

Document Uploader & Embedder

Upload PDFs and share them with your app users. Allow your app users to download and use them offline. Ideal for brochures, menu cards, system descriptions, or think about anything.

Simple and fast

Upload PDFs and share them with your app users. Allow your app users to download and use them offline. Ideal for brochures, menu cards, system descriptions, or think about anything.
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Looking good, fits best

The PDF upload only takes one simple click. It’s fully responsive, so all of your PDF files get displayed nicely on every device.
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Get your document organized

All your documents can be organized in folders so you can maximize the productivity. You can reuse the same document in different part of your app and manage centrally.

Smart and dynamic 

You can replace the document from the Media Bucket and your PDFs will automatically update in real time, so if you have a daily menu, your life will be much simpler.
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