
Plugins et fonctionnalités


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Plugins et fonctionnalités Conception d'applications


Marketing E-Commerce Developer Backoffice Online Booking Content Ideas Payment Integrations Shop Integrations App Storage Authentication Form Extensions Stores Games Indicateurs de chargement


Ajouté récemment Populaire Bestseller Recommandé

Construction et mise à l'échelle

Achats dans l'application et abonnements Acheter et consommer Forum Générateur de formulaires

Modules d'affaires

Event-System / Drop-In Reservation & Booking System Real-time Chat E-Commerce / Shop

Ajouté récemment

Widget de temps d'attente Plugin d'instruction PWA Extension de l'album de la galerie Achats dans l'application et abonnements Acheter et consommer Système d'évaluation QR-Code Profil vérifié Apple Classic


DeepL Mailchimp Whitelabel E-Mail Payrexx


Tags & Filters Facebook OAuth Rating System Multilingual App Zappter CRM - My Customers Request System Push-Notifications


Fonction de commentaire du panier d'achat Voucher System Contact Form Loyalty Points

Plugins et fonctionnalités

Étendez votre application avec de superbes fonctionnalités du Marketplace. Il suffit d'installer, de configurer et de commencer. Visitez les documentations pour apprendre comment utiliser le plugin et ce que vous devez garder à l'esprit.

Rating System
Rating System
This plugin enables you to add ratings and comments on your app platform. Customize the rating behaviour and let your users rate services, orders or anything else.
Allow your customers to add variations to products and services that you sell. Give customers options that they can add to the base products to customize their orders & bookings as they prefer.
SMTP Mailer
SMTP Mailer
Change the sender email address to your own domain with SMTP Mailer. Easily configure your SMTP Credentials and start sending from your own domain now.
Reservation & Booking System
Reservation & Booking System
Online reservations made easy! Activate this plugin and allow your app users to make reservations and bookings. All industries can use it for its ease of handling resources and availability checking. A fantastic customizable calendar awaits you to manage your bookings efficiently.
14.90 USD / Mensuel
Disable upper distance
Disable upper distance
This plugin disables the upper safe distance between your content and the top of the phone.
Hubspot Chat
Hubspot Chat
With the LiveChat - HubSpot integration, you're ready to indulge some of the other benefits the product has to offer. Integrate in seconds, and start using Hubspot dashboard to control Live Chats, ticketing, schedulings, and other things the product has to offer.
Transfer Orders
Transfer Orders
This small plugin extends the day end closing in the station, with additional buttons to mark orders as transferred. Useful if you have a POS-System in your store.
Microsoft Azure OAuth
Microsoft Azure OAuth
Connect your app with Microsoft Azure Auth, let your users sign in in your app with their existing account.
Youtube Channel
Youtube Channel
Integrate your YouTube Channel into your app.
Permission Groups
Permission Groups
When you need control over your users to the detail, a role-based permission strategy is a proven solution that this plugin handles effectively. Create roles and assign a granular level of permissions to them. Then simply link the roles to users.
1GB App Storage
1GB App Storage
Add 1 GB storage to your app.
1.90 USD / Mensuel
Real-time Chat
Real-time Chat
Chat in any language! No more language barriers with your potential customers. Start using now the whole new sales and marketing channel.
9.90 USD / Mensuel
Audio Player
Audio Player
With this plugin you can upload and play audio-files on your app.
Github OAuth
Github OAuth
Connect your app with Github Auth, let your users sign in in your app with their existing account.
Tags & Filters
Tags & Filters
Enables users to filter any type of content easily!
With this plugin, you can generate QR Codes and place them anywhere. Your app users can scan this QR Code, place an order and you know exactly where they are. A great feature that you can use in many situations, for example in a restaraunt on the table, on a pool seat in your hotel and many more.
9.90 USD / Mensuel
Use Recommendations to cross-sell products & services. Concurrently, show customers that you anticipate their needs. Show customers the other Articles or even an entire Category that might be of interest.
Stores 20 Licences
Stores 20 Licences
Add 20 Licences to your Stores-System.
199.90 USD / Mensuel
Stores 100 Licences
Stores 100 Licences
Add 100 Licences to your Stores-System.
989.90 USD / Mensuel
Promotions & Discounts
Promotions & Discounts
Set your best marketing strategies and push your products to to potential buyers, by scheduling promotions and discounts.
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