Now you can integrate with Payrexx TWINT in seconds. Set it up, use it to offer your users with a convenient payment process for online shops, app shops to move with a smartphone or table.
Allow your customers to make rapid, simple and secure payments in your app or web app. Now you can integrate with Payrexx TWINT in seconds.
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Easy integration
Set up your Payrexx account and enable Twint Payment Method in your Payrexx Admin. You now opened up your business to millions TWINT users and also to customers that do not have credit cards.
Checkout with TWINT
Select TWINT as the payment method at the checkout. The TWINT app will open automatically. Confirm the payment and you’re done!
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Quick and secure
With TWINT, your customers can pay for the purchases quickly and securely. Find out how quick it is to pay with TWINT and maintain an overview of payments.
A few steps away
TWINT is easy to configure. Get the plugin now and allow users to pay even faster!
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