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SSL Quirks & Help

Here you can find information about the SSL issue.

If you do not have installed a valid SSL Certificate on your printers,  you might face some issues. Here is a list on how to solve them.

iOS App

When running the workstation on an iOS device (e.g: iPad, iPhone), with the app downloaded from the app store, you can print without any issues.

iOS Web-App

When running the workstation on an iOS device (e.g: iPad, iPhone), via your Web-App link (e.g. on Safari) you need to turn off SSL (not recommended).

1. To do this, go in the admin under "Settings > Security Settings". Enable the setting "Allow unsecure sites".

image.png 344.35 KB

2. Now open your web-app link with "http://" instead of "https://". Login into your workstation and now you can print again. This solution in general is not recommended.

Android App

Printing from a workstation on an Android device, with the app downloaded from the app store, is not supported and does not work. Please use the web-app solution below instead.

Android Web-App

When running the workstation on an Android device, via your Web-App link (e.g. on Chrome) you need to add the printer ip-addresses and mark them as "secure".

1. Open your Chrome Browser on your Android and type in the address bar "chrome://flags"

2. Search in the search bar for "insecure". Enable the two settings:

- Insecure origins treated as secure
- Allow invalid certificates for resources loaded from localhost

Afterwards, in the setting "Insecure origins treated as secure" enter your printer ip-address with "https://" in front. Example:

image.png 394.12 KB

3. To finalize, click on bottom right on "Relaunch". You should now be able to print from your Android Web-App.

Windows or Mac

When running the workstation on a Windows PC or a Mac, you must use the Chrome Browser.

1. Open your Chrome Browser and type in the address bar "chrome://flags"

2. Search in the search bar for "insecure". Enable the two settings:

- Insecure origins treated as secure
- Allow invalid certificates for resources loaded from localhost

Afterwards, in the setting "Insecure origins treated as secure" enter your printer ip-address with "https://" in front. Example:

image.png 394.12 KB

3. To finalize, click on bottom right on "Relaunch". You should now be able to print from your Windows or Mac.
Epson Print Plugin
Last updated at 03.03.2023 00:12