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Creating Events

Creating events

With Events, you can create links, and send them via emails to a group of people or an individual. The 'Places' plugin is an ideal solution if you want to market an event of any size. And, it also takes care of organizing your service areas with one or multiple 'places' and simplifies your selling of products and services. Follow the steps to create your event.
1. Admin > Places > Events.  Below screen comes up. Click on the '+New' to create a new event.
2. In the new event setup screen, provide a name, and set the expiry.
3. Create it. The event is created.

Sending emails with links

1. Click on the 'Guests' button.
  • 'Guest list' pops up where you can make a list of all potential users to whom you will be sending emails with a link to the event:
2. Click on the '+ New Guest' button. It asks whether a single guest record or multiple guests.
  • Multiple guests: Enter details of all the guests with names and emails
  • New Guest (single guest): Enter individual guest detail, name, email, and choose a QR Code
3. Create it, the guest is on the list now.
  • Select all by ticking on the checkbox in the list title
  • Tick on any record for an individual selection 
  • If you tag the guest on the list print and download as Excel icons activate, and you can also perform those tasks if required
4. Click on the 'Send E-Mail.' The below screen opens up where you can craft your email message.
5. Click 'Create' to send the email. Below shows the screen after sending it.
  • Optionally, if you click on the 'Link' button, the link is shown: