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Setup Webhooks

Setup your webhooks to notify the app about purchases and unlock content correctly.

To enable automatic updates of entitlements based on user subscriptions, you must setup webhooks. The webhooks will be sent to Zappter and update the user subscription status whenever there is an automatic prolongation or the user decides to cancel the subscription.

Obtaining your webhook url

To obtain the webhook link that can be used for both App Store Connect and Google Play Console, follow these steps:

1. Go to Zappter and navigate to In-App Purchases > Management > Subscriptions. Then click on "Webhook URL":

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2. A popup will appear with your personal webhook link. Copy the link and follow the steps below to configure the webhook in the Apple App Store Connect and Google Play Store.

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Webhook Apple App Store Connect

1. Log in to your App Store Connect account:

2. Click on "My Apps" and select your app

3. Click on "App Information" then scroll down to the "App Store Server Notifications" section. Click on "Set Up URL" under "Production Server URL":

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4. Enter the URL that you have copied before and click on "Save"

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That's it! Your webhook for the Apple App Store is now set up.

Webhook Google Play Store

1. Log in to your Google Cloud account:

2. Select the project associated with your app. Then search for "Pub/Sub" in the top search bar and click on the first search result.

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3. Click on "Create topic" at the top of the page

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4. Set the ID for your topic and leave all other fields unchanged. Click on "Create topic".

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5. Click on the three dots on the right side, then click on "View permissions"

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6. Click on "Add Principal" on the right side

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7. In the field "New principals" enter the following: - Once entered, select the it from the suggested dropdown value under the field. In the "Role" field, search for "Pub/Sub Publisher" and select it. Confirm this step by clicking on "Save".

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8. Click below on the new subscription created

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9. Click "Edit" at the top of the page.

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10. Change to "Push" under "Delivery type" and enter the webhook URL that you have previously copied from Zappter

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11. Scroll down and click on "Update"

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12. Copy the topic name, you will need to paste it now in the next steps

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13. Log in to your Google Play Console account: and select your app

14. Go to "Monetization setup" under "Monetize" from the left sidebar menu. In the "Google Play Billing" section, under "Real-time developer notifications", provide the topic name that you have copied before:

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15. Click on "Save changes".

That's it! Your webhook for the Google Play Console is now set up.
Last updated at 03.11.2023 11:29