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Explore and use thousands of fonts

Changing to Zappter fonts

(This topic has also been discussed as part of the content customization section section under the heading, Font & Color) You can change your app font at any time with a few steps. Zappter provides a huge list of font families that you can choose for your app. However, if your brand has any special fonts to be used, you can simply add the new font too. Here are the steps.
1. Admin > Design > Fonts. Zappter displays a list of fonts to pick for your app. 
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2. Click on any font of your choice to activate it for your app.
iPhone simulator reflects the font you choose to help you decide what looks best for your app.

Uploading custom font

When you need to install a new font family, follow the below steps. Ideal, if you're trying to install font sets that are not part of Zappter or trying to use  a brand-specific font family.
1. Click on the ‘+ New Font’ button.
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2. A prompt comes up asking if you want to upload a web-font file that you already have or convert an existing non web-font to web fonts.
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Upload web-font

1. Click on Upload Web-Font. The upload option comes up. Select the file containing web-font.
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2. Save it to close the screen. Your newly added font is on the list now.
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3. Your newly added font is on the list now. Click to use it for your app.

Convert to web-fonts

This option is handy if you want to convert your regular fonts to web fonts. It uses to perform the conversion. 
1. Click on the ‘Convert to Web-Fonts’ option and it open an external website,
Below steps are from an external source that may change any time without prior notice.
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2. Use the ‘Add Fonts’ button to add your regular font file.
3. Use the ‘Convert’ button to convert it to Web-Font, it also downloads the font’s zip file.
4. When the conversion is complete, download the file to use it in Zappter as discussed above under the section, Upload Web-Font.
Last updated at 05.07.2022 23:37