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Creating Picture Collection Game

With the picture collection game you can create games. Follow the steps to add the picture collection game. Click on the yellow button to go to the levels-page.
1. Admin > Picture Collection Game > Manage. 
2. Click on the '+ New Game' and give a 'game name.'
  • Game name: Give a name and create to complete
  • Edit: The user can click on the blue 'Edit' button to edit the game name or delete.
3. The game is created and now the user can create levels by clicking on the yellow 'Levels' button to the levels page. 
4. Moving onto Levels, the user can create game levels by clicking on the '+ New Level' to add more levels. 
  • Level: Give a name and create to complete
  • Edit: The user can click on blue 'Edit' button to edit the game name or delete.
5. Once level is created the user can proceed with picture by clicking on the yellow 'Pictures' button to add picture to your game. 
6. The yellow picture button will proceed to picture page. The user can click on '+ New Picture' to add picture to your games or levels and create it. 
  • Image acquired/found: The user can retrieve an image from an external source and upload it 
  • Enable contrast: Enable this setting to not upload the "locked picture". The system will apply a black-white filter.
7. In the picture page, the picture is created. The user can click on 'Edit' button to replace, enable/disable to not upload the locked picture or delete.


1. Admin > Picture Collection Game > Setting. 
2. In the appearance tab, the user can enable/disable the show success manage. When enabling the show success message, the below pops up.
Title for Acquire: The user can customize a title that appears in the popup when a user clicks on the picture.
Text for Acquire: The user can customize a text that appears in the popup when a user clicks on the picture.
3. Save the changes


1. Admin > Picture Collection Game > Results. 
2. The 'Results' page displays the list of acquired pictures of users.
Picture collection game