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Restoring default sidebar

Restore standard sidebar

Follow the steps to edit your sidebar and delete to restore the standard sidebar on your app.
When you need to edit your sidebar, follow the below instructions:
1. Admin > Customize > Sidebar. Click on the sidebar.
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2. In the sidebar content, select Advanced > Sidebar. You can modify your sidebar now.
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When you need to restore to the default sidebar, follow the below instructions:
1. Admin > Customize > Sidebar.  Clic on the '+ New.'
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2. Click on 'Select from existing.'
When you already have a custom sidebar, you don't get the option, 'Create new' and you only have the option, 'Select from existing.'
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3. Choose 'My first sidebar' and select 'Save.' 
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Last updated at 06.07.2022 22:40