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1. Startscreen > Configure.
image.png 359.69 KB
2. Click on the 'Edit Startscreen.' 
image.png 283.91 KB
3. The following options come up. 
image.png 183.43 KB
You can use simple two color startscreen. Or, use your image, adjust and crop the image to each of the devices:

  • Using Simple Color
  • Using Zappter image generator
  • Uploading image

The following sections discuss each of these options in detail.

Using simple colors

1. Select 'Simple color' when you want your 'startscreen' to be simple with two colors. 
image.png 184.67 KB
2. Choose the colors. And, 'Continue.' 
image.png 377.99 KB
Startscreen gets generated:
image.png 82.06 KB

With Zappter photo generator

1. Select 'Create.'
image.png 185.43 KB
2. Click, 'Edit Startscreen.' 
3. Zappter image editor opens up. Use the tools provided in the editor, insert/edit text, import image, etc and save once done. Confirm on the next prompting screen.
image.png 704.05 KB
image.png 349.11 KB
4. As soon as you saved and confirmed, Image cropper appears. You need to select each Apple & Android screen sizes and crop your image to fit in there so that  your 'startscreen' is guaranteed to support on all devices sizes.
You must complete cropping for all of the devices shown to finish this step.
image.png 416.98 KB
5. Crop each selected size by clicking on the 'click to crop' button.
image.png 236.63 KB
 Continue cropping fornext device and so on.
6. When cropping is complete for all device sizes, click 'Finish' to complete.
image.png 442.6 KB

Upload existing

1. Select 'Upload.' 
image.png 185.3 KB
2. Upload the image of a specified size as mentioned on screen.
image.png 322 KB
You can download the Zappter-provided sample image for testing.
3. As soon as you saved and confirmed, Image cropper appears. You need to select each Apple & Android screen sizes and crop your image to fit in there so that  your 'startscreen' is guaranteed to support on all devices sizes. 
 You must complete cropping for all of the devices shown to finish this step. 
image.png 455.4 KB
Crop to the selected size: 
image.png 263.7 KB
  Continue cropping for next device, and so on.
4. When cropping is complete for all device sizes, click 'Finish' to complete.
image.png 442.6 KB