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Creating Push Notifications

Setting up push notifications

Send actionable notifications to promote your products and services; with this option, you're able to pick your content view and craft the message.  Use generic notifications to send high-value, regular push to actively engage with users that may increase your brand reputation, for example. 
1. Admin  > Push-Notifications > Manage. Click on the '+New' button. Select the 'Open an element' option.
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2. Click on a content where your target element (article, booking, etc.) reside.
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3. Click on an element on the content, or click on the 'Select this view' button. 
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4. The below screen comes where you can enter your push notification details. In the 'Text' tab, give a descriptive title and the new push notification message.
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5. In the 'Date' tab, schedule your delivery date, and also specify if it is a recurring notification.
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6. In the 'Target' tab, select your targeted users.
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Customers without CRM My Customers plugin can only target 'All App Users.' When you use CRM My Customers plugin, you can segment your users (using Tags and Segments) and that segmentation is available for selection here. Check the plugin's documentation for more information. 
Check out this page to learn how you can use CRM Tags.
7. Create.

Setting up generic pushes

Using this option, you can set up generic push notification with which, you don't target any specific audience group. It's also called mass messaging push notifications.
1. Admin > Push-Notifications > Manage. Click on the '+New' button. Select the 'No action' option. 
Select 'No action' when you're creating push notifications that are generic messages, and not promoting your products or services.
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2. The below screen comes and you can enter your push notification details. In the 'Text' tab, give a descriptive title and a message of the new push notification.
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3. In the 'Date' tab, schedule your delivery date, and also specify if it is a recurring push.
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4. In the 'Target' tab, select your targeted audience.
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Customers without CRM My Customers plugin can only target 'All App Users.' When you use CRM My Customers plugin, you can segment your users and that segmentation is available for selection here. Check the plugin's documentation for more information.
Check out this page to learn how you can use CRM Tags.
5. Create it.
Last updated at 04.07.2022 22:50