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Locking / Unlocking Content

Learn how to lock elements and create in-app purchase elements.

Locking content

Let's get started by selecting elements and mark them as required to purchase an in-app purchase or to have in-app entitlement.
By marking these elements, the elements are not visible for the user, unless the user made the purchase.

1. Open the content manager and select your item, element or category. Open "More Options":

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2. Click on "In-App Purchases" and select if you want to lock this item by an in-app purchase (consumable) or an in-app entitlement (one-time payment or subscription)

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Creating in-app purchase elements

Now that you have locked your content, let's go ahead and create in-app purchase elements. By clicking on this element, the app will initiate a purchase of an in-app purchase or a subscription / in-app entitlement. Once the user has purchased it, the locked content will be unlocked.

1. Open the content manager and navigate to "In-App Purchases", add an in-app purchase element or button

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2. Enter a name and select below the type

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Last updated at 07.05.2023 10:42