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Integrating VK

Integrating VK authentication

This integration has two parts to it:

  • Creating VK App ID & VK App Secret in VK using developer account
  • Entering VK App ID & VK App Secret in Zappter
 Creating VK App ID & App Secret in developer account:
Your app URL
Ensure to have your web app URL while completing the below steps. Here is how to get your web app URL from Zappter:

  1. Log in to your admin.
  2. Open your profile menu and your web app link is the first option available under this menu. 
  3. Make a note or copy the URL.
Follow the below steps on your VK platform to get the App ID and App Secret.
1. Navigate to and click on "Create" at top right.
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2. Set the name of your app, select "Website" as a platform, put FQDN as address and as a base domain then click on "Connect website" and confirm action when prompted.
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3. After you confirm a page, your app will open. You can leave everything else empty or complete setup with app an icon, photos and description if you want.
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4. When you ready, navigate to Settings from the left menu.
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5. Provide an Authorized redirect URI of your app, it's the FQDN of the app and save.
6. Copy App ID and Secure key so you can enter into Zappter admin.
Entering VK's App ID & App Secret in Zappter:
Back in Zappter, you need to update App ID and App Secret. Below steps guide you.
1. Admin > Settings > OAuth.  Then select 'VK' tab there.
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2. Enter previously copied App ID and App Secret of VK and save the changes to complete your integration. 
VK OAuth