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Managing exports

Modifying exports

You can modify export setups anytime.  You can change the name (description) of the export setup or modify the export parameters and columns. 
1. Admin > Order Export / Fulfillment Tool > Configure jobs. Click on the 'Edit' button to change the name of the export setup.
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2. Change the name as you want to, and save the changes.
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Adding new columns

You can modify export setups anytime.  You can change the name (description) of the export setup or modify the export parameters and columns. 
1. Admin > Order Export / Fulfillment Tool > Configure jobs. Click on the 'Configure' button to open the export column details.
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2. The same, available columns screen that you worked with during creating your export, comes up. Tick to choose the column and it is immediately added.
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3. Click on 'Cancel' to close the available fields screen.

Deleting columns

Follow the step to delete a column from your export.
1. Admin > Order Export / Fulfillment Tool > Configure jobs. Click on the 'Configure' button to open the export column details.
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2. When inside the columns setup screen, you can see that each column has its name preceded with a grey area and hamburger menu icon. Click on it to get the context menu options.
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3. Select the 'Delete' option in the context menu and confirm your deletion.
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Renaming columns

Follow the step to rename a field. It could be useful in some cases to shorten the width of your export.
1. Admin > Order Export / Fulfillment Tool > Configure jobs. Click on the 'Configure' button to open the export column details.
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2. When inside the columns setup screen, you can see that each column has its name preceded with a grey area and hamburger menu icon. Click on it to get the context menu options.
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3. Select the 'Edit' option in the context menu.
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4. Another screen pops up with current column name that you can overwrite to change it and save.
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Rearranging column order

Follow the step to rearrange the column order, how they appear.
1. Admin > Order Export / Fulfillment Tool > Configure jobs. Click on the 'Configure' button to open the export column details.
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2. When inside the columns setup screen, you can see that each column has its name preceded with a grey area and hamburger menu icon. Click in the grey area of your selected column that you want to move around, and drag and drop where you want to place it. You can move forward and backward, and when you drop it, the existing column in that area will move away (you can see it visually).
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Exports using live link

You can access your export using this URL. When accessing the results are filtered dynamically.
1. Admin > Order Export / Fulfillment Tool > Configure jobs. Click on the 'Configure' button to open the export column details.
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2. When inside the columns setup screen, click on the 'Link' button.
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3. Here is your export's live link.
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Downloading & printing exports

You can download the exports in spreadsheet format and print them as well. The advantage with this option is that you can exclude certain columns in these outputs.
1. Admin > Order Export / Fulfillment Tool > Configure jobs. All your export jobs display. Tick the one you want to download spreadsheet version or print. 
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2. As you ticked, you can see the spreadsheet icon and the print icon got activated. Click on one of the icons based on what you want to do (download spreadsheet version or print).
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2. As you ticked, you can see the spreadsheet icon and the print icon got activated. Click on one of the icons based on what you want to do (download spreadsheet version or print). Below screen pops up (This screen is almost the same for spreadsheet or print output).
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  • Pictures: Indicates if you want to include the images in the download
  • Multilines and similar: If you want to include long text fields like comments
3. By default all columns in the export are selected. If you want to deselect any, untick the column and proceed by clicking on 'Download' (or 'Print' in the case of printing).