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Creating Promotions

Setting up promotions

Start with setting up your promotions on selected selling items. Follow the steps.
1. Admin  > Promotions > Manage. Click on the '+New Promotion' button. 
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2. Click on an article or a reservation to promote.
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3. Set a special price and duration.  In the 'Special price' tab, you can either enter the promotional price directly or give a percentage of the actual price.
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4. Move on to the 'Duration' tab. Set your promotion's start and end dates.

  • Promotion starts: Tick on 'Request for now' to start promoting instantly. Or, click on 'Click to choose a date' to set your required date/time with the date selector
  • Promotion ends: Click on 'Never' to make it indefinite. Or, click on 'Click to choose a date' to set your required date/time with the date selector
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5. Save it. 
If you have subscribed to the Push-Notifications plugin, you also can instantly make use of push notifications to send out your promotional offer to the targeted users.
Promotions & Discounts