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App Store Submission

App submission requires various data about the app as described in the introduction of the plugin. The various information has been categorized into different sections to simplify your inputs. This section describes common settings; current progress of publishing app data, language, and the app link.

Language setup

Admin > IOS & Android App > Submit. When you first log in, the language screen comes up, followed by the main submission. 
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App submission preparation

Once the language setup wizard completes, your submission preparation screen comes up. The upper area contains four options (buttons) that help you set up your submission preparation. Lower part representing each of the associated tasks in the submission process, and there is a section dedicated to each of these submission processes in detail.

The four options are:

  • '2 of 16 finished' button (caption is dynamic indicates your submission data preparation progress): This dynamic button caption indicates the current status of the submission data preparation. When all tasks in each categorized step have been prepared, the button caption changes to 'Ready' indicating you're ready to submit your app to app stores
  • English: This dynamic button caption indicates that your currently selected submission language
  • Edit language: This is to change your app store submission language. These steps have been described in detail later on the page
  • App Link: This button pops up with a window showing QR code and the link that directs to device-specific app store for downloading the app.  Note: QR code and the link will be functional once your app has been approved by the respective app stores. 
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Changing submission language

1. Click on the 'Edit Language' and it displays the currently active language. Click on the 'New Language +' button to activate another language.
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2. Click on 'Select the language you want to add,' and the list of languages appears.
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3. Select the new language you want to add. 
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4. Click on the 'Create' to complete adding additional language.
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App link

'App Link' button  pops up with a window showing QR code and the link that directs to device-specific app store for downloading the app 
QR code and the link will be functional once your app has been approved by the respective app stores. 
Last updated at 04.07.2022 22:53