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Setting Up Alerts

Stock alerts

Alerts can be triggered when the minimum quantity in stock reaches certain numbers for an item.  The plugin allows setting up alerts to handle such a situation:

  • This plugin can automatically send an order request to the supplier
  • At the same time, alert your team about the situation
  • Or, you can set up the alert to do either of the above two
1. Admin > Inventory > Manage Articles. In the below screen, click on the 'Alerts' button.
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2. The New Alert setup screen comes up. Click on '+ New.'
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3. Select one of two options whether you want to set up the alert to make a reorder request to the supplier or internal notification.
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New order to suppliers

3.1.1 Select the 'New Order to Supplier.'
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3.1.2 In the next screen, define the order email message, when to order, and how many in quantity.
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  • Subject: The subject of your email to the supplier.  Keep the parameter, %article_supplier_item_id% as it is
  • E-Mail Text: You email text. Keep, %supplier_name%, %article_name% and %article_supplier_item_id% as they are. Change the quantity to suit you
  • Alert Trigger: When the quantity reaches this number, alert will trigger
  • Order Amount: Order quantity 
3.1.3 Save.

Alert to internal emails

3.2.1 Select the 'Alert to internal email address.'
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3.2.2 In the next screen, define the internal email message when to send, and how many in quantity.
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  • Subject: The subject of your email.  Keep the parameter, %article_name% as it is
  • E-Mail Text: Your message. Write any message making sure you always use the parameters as they are shown
  • Alert Trigger: When the quantity reaches this number, Alert will trigger
  • Suggested Amount to Order: Order quantity, suggested 
3.2.3 Tick on E-Email Groups, save.