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Setting Up in Zappter

Setting up in Zappter

The previous section, it is covered how you need to prepare your Shopify store for this integration. This section explains completing your Shopify Pro integration in Zappter and testing to ensure your integration works.

Here is the overview of tasks that completes this integration:

  • Input the API token and Secret key obtained from Shopify in the previous section.
  • Once above API settings are completed, you can map your Shopify store's products & categories that will be imported via this integration to Zappter's view using Shopify API option under Shopify Connector (While importing products & categories, Zappter will automatically create eCommerce articles for products and categories in your Zappter app for product categories of your Shopify store). 
Setting up integration using Shopify PRO
1. Log into Zappter, then Settings > Shopify PRO on your side menu.
2. You have two options, Settings & API. Select API.
3. Enter these details that you had obtained from previous section, Setting up In Shopify:

  • Store name: Your Shopify store name as in {shop} Ex:; here, "swissdiamonds" is your Store name.
  • Api Password: It is the API password you obtained from Shopify mentioned in the previous section.
  • Auth Token: Enter the Authorization Token you obtained from Shopify.
4. When you have entered the above details, click on the green button, "Create" on the top to establish the connection between your app and the Shopify store. If the connection is established, you should see, "Success! Your app receives updates from Shopify.If you changed your store or Shopify app - you need to re-create webhooks. To do that click on a button below."
If you don't get "Success" message after clicking on "Create," please refer to prompting error screen to assist investigate the root cause of the issue. Double check your integration credentials and parameters.
5. Now click on the "Back" button at the upper-left to move back to the Settings option. 
6. Under General tab, set these options:

  • Inventory behavior: Using this option you select if the inventory of an item in Shopify should be reduced whenever there is a purchase in your Zappter app for the item. Available options are: 1. Bypass, when you don't want to impact Shopify store inventory with Zappter purchases or if you are maintaining a different inventory in Zappter. 2. Decrement_obeying_policy, when Shopify store should be reduced when the items are purchased at Zappter app. 3. Decrement_ignoring_policy, currently its behavior is similar to option 1 discussed here.
  • Disable other stores: When you have Zappter's Store plugin active, you can have multiple stores running in your Zappter app. Switching this option on will create your Shopify store articles on all your stores in Zappter. Setting it off would only create the Shopify store articles in your currently logged in store in Zappter.
  • Offer: When you have Zappter's Landing Pages plugin active, you can create multiple views (also called Offers) in your app. This option lists all your such views and you can tick to select an offer/view where your Shopify articles and categories should be created in Zappter app.
  • Language: Language to use when creating Shopify store articles and categories (product listing)
7. Save the changes for the current tab.
8. Move on to the Variations tab. Set your settings for these options:

  • Ignore variations stock: By setting this option on or off, you choose to import Shopify store products with quantity less than 1.
  • Attribute for option 1: Select "Multiple Col.
  • Attribute for option 2: Select "Multiple Col.
  • Attribute for option 3: Select "Multiple Col.
9. Save changes for current tab. With these steps completed, you have completed your integration settings and are ready to start importing your Shopify store products using the integration.
Using Shopify API under Shopify Connector
Shopify Connector is not part of Shopify PRO plugin. However, once you have set up Shopify API integration using above Shopify PRO plugin steps, you get a new option, Shopify API under Shopify Connector that you would use to import the products from Shopify store.
1. Move to Shopify Connector > Import articles on your left menu.
2. Click on Shopify API button.
3. Since your API integration is set up successfully, you would see the list of products ready to be imported and articles and listings created in Zappter. Note: Here, you can select and unselect items.
4. Click on "Run Import" to start importing your Shopify store products/listings and create articles and categories in Zappter for them.